Flores-Robles, G., Alto, A.*, Anderson, K.*, Wylie, J.*, Satter, L., & Gantman, A. (2025). Understanding Committed Leftists in the United States right before the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. The Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 13(1), 21-41.

Anderson, K*., & Rivera, R. (2018). The disintegration of South Sudan: Political violence from 2011 to 2016. Sudan Studies Association Bulletin, 35(1), 15-27. 

Stalder, D, & Anderson, K. (2014). Are depressed individuals more susceptible to cognitive dissonance? Current Research in Social Psychology, 22(5), 10-19. 


Anderson, K.*, Wout, D., & Flores-Robles, G. How imagined liberal-conservative friendship diversity could improve interpolitical relations in the United States. Revise and resubmit at Social Psychological and Personality Science.

Flores-Robles, G., Gomez, B., Franklin, E., Fikslin, R., Anderson, K., & Milless, K.M. Gender and sexual minority PhD students experience epistemic exclusion in STEM. Revise and resubmit at Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy.


Anderson, K. Intraminority relations between White disabled people and nondisabled racial minorities: An integrative review. Manuscript in preparation.

Anderson, K.*, Ayers. K, & McGill, L. A multi-level discussion of how White disabled patients’ pain is perceived in the healthcare system. Manuscript in preparation.


Blitz 6 Inequality: Inequality, Ideologies, and Social Change. (July, 2021). Symposium held at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Online session.


Anderson, K. (February, 2025). Intraminority relations between White physically disabled people and nondisabled racial minorities: An introduction [Invited Talk]. Online presentation at the DARN Research Subgroup Monthly Meeting.

Gomez, B.,* Flores-Robles, G.,* Franklin, E.T., Fikslin, R., Milless, K.T., Anderson, K.M., & Myer, A. (February, 2024). Where do I belong? Experiences of epistemic exclusion & family achievement guilt among PhD students [Poster Presentation]. Presentation at the Annual SPSP Conference, San Diego, CA.

Anderson, K.* (July, 2023). Seeing safety in red: The expression of interpersonal gratitude affects conservatives’ political attitudes in the United States [Invited Talk]. Presentation at Turetsky/Thorson Lab at the Summer Research Institute, Barnard College, Columbia University, New York, NY.

Anderson, K.* (July, 2023). Seeing safety in red: The expression of interpersonal gratitude affects conservatives’ political attitudes in the United States [Blitz Talk]. Online presentation at DARN Research Subgroup Monthly Meeting. 

Anderson, K.* (June, 2023). Seeing safety in red: The expression of interpersonal gratitude affects conservatives’ political attitudes in the United States [Invited Talk]. Social Justice Lab, New York University, New York, NY. 

Wout, D., & Anderson, K. (February, 2023). Bridging the political divide: How political friendship diversity can improve interpolitical relations [Invited Talk]. Online presentation at SPSP Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA. 

Anderson, K.*, & Wout, D. (February, 2023). Bridging the political divide: How political friendship diversity can improve interpolitical relations [Invited Talk]. Social Justice Lab, New York University, New York, NY. 

Anderson, K. (May, 2022). How and when interpersonal gratitude affects conservatism: The role of relationship uncertainty and social dominance orientation [New Ideas Flash Talk]. 6CC Annual Conference, online due to COVID-19.

Hashimoto, M., Anderson, K. & Brumbaugh, C. (March, 2022). Comparing impressions of sighted versus blind applicants' resumes [Poster Session]. EPA Annual Conference, New York, NY.

Anderson, K.* & Wout, D. (February, 2022). Friendship network political diversity increases learning goals and friendship interest with white liberals and conservatives in the United States [Poster Session]. SPSP Annual Conference, online due to COVID-19.

Anderson, K.* & Hardin, C. (August, 2021). Interpersonal gratitude’s effect on political attitudes across racial groups [Poster Session]. SPSSI Annual Conference, online due to COVID-19.

Anderson, K.* & Hardin, C. (August, 2021). Interpersonal gratitude’s effect on political attitudes among women of color [Poster Session]. SPSSI Annual Conference, online due to COVID-19.

Anderson, K..*, Alto, A.*, Flores-Robles, G.*, Satter, L.,*, Wylie, J.*, & Gantman, A. (July, 2021). Political attitude differences towards the political system and incrementalism between liberals and leftists in the United States [Data Blitz]Presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, online due to COVID-19. 

Alto, A.*, Anderson, K..*, Flores-Robles, G.*, Satter, L.,*, Wylie, J.*, & Gantman, A. (July, 2021). I put liberal but LOL. Investigating psychological differences between political leftists and liberals. [Data Blitz]. Presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology., online due to COVID-19.

Alto, A.T.*, Anderson, K.*, Flores-Robles, G., Satter, L., Wylie, J., Gantman, A. (July, 2021). “There could be actual freedom”: Radical imagination on the American left. [Poster Presentation]. Presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, online due to COVID-19.

Anderson, K.* Hardin, C. (2021). Interpersonal gratitude’s effect on political attitudes [Data blitz]. 6CC Annual Conference, online due to COVID-19. 

Satter, L.,*, Alto, A.*, Anderson, K..*, Flores-Robles, G.*, Wylie, J.*, & Gantman, A. (May, 2021). Rejection of capitalism distinguishes leftist and liberal ideology in the United States [Poster session]Brooklyn College Science Research Day, online due to COVID-19.

Anderson, K*., & Hardin, C. (2020). Political identity and social norms predict credibility of male politicians accused of sexual assault. Informal paper talk at Social Cognition Preconference for the Society of Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.

Thomas, J., Anderson, K., & Alexander, D. (2016). Violent events in South Sudan. Data presented at the Public Forum on Governance and Economy of South Sudan, hosted by The Nile Institute for Peace and Development, Phoenix, AZ. 

Stalder, D., & Anderson, K. (2012). Are depressed individuals more susceptible to cognitive dissonance? Poster presentation, Midwest Psychological Association, Chicago, Il.